Our Foundational Approach
Uncompromising Quality and Safety
We have set a strong foundation and commitment across our organization, creating a culture where quality and safety are at the centre of every aspect of our work and the care we provide. As we look to the future, everyone at St. Joseph’s will be fully engaged as an active agent of improving quality, resource use and equity. We will continue to earn the complete confidence of our patients, residents, family caregivers and our staff and physicians as we relentlessly pursue quality and safety by implementing a new framework for safe, reliable and effective care with quality structures and approaches that create high reliability in everything we do. Annually, through an engaged and collaborative process, a Quality Improvement Plan will be established that focuses on the areas of highest priority as an organization.

Partnerships with Patients, Residents and Family Caregivers
Over the next three years, we will purposefully partner with patients, residents, and family caregivers in their direct care, the design of our programs and services, and our advocacy efforts. We will be a leading example of patient, resident, and family caregiver partnerships focused on improved patient experience and outcomes. We will leverage our Care Partnership Office to create best practices of partnering with patients, residents, and family caregivers in direct care and the co-design of services. We will enhance the role of our patient, resident and family councils and increase representation of patients, residents, and family caregivers on program and organizational councils, initiatives and advocacy efforts to truly draw on the wisdom and lived experience of our patients and their families. We will integrate a philosophy of “caring with” in all interactions.

Advocacy and Collaborations for Innovation and System Change
We know that part of our ability to reach out, meet needs and transform care will depend greatly on our ability to advocate and create novel partnerships to create fundamental change in our system. Over the next three years, it is our intention to work with diverse partners to identify and advocate for novel funding models and the most important systemic and policy changes that will make the biggest differences for care and resources.
Together with our partners, we will strategically identify the system and policy changes that will improve health, quality of life and the capacity to live well. We will work to advocate for system and policy changes to enable technology, roles and compensation models to support shared, virtual and integrated care. We will seek out non-traditional partners to create disruptive ideas that will transform resources, care and the possibilities for our work. And, we will measure patient outcomes related to whole person recovery and transitions.
We also recognize that our success is directly tied to the generous support we receive from donors committed to this strategy of Reaching Out, Connecting Care, Innovating Together. Philanthropy is viewed as an important enabler at St. Joseph’s. Over the next three years, we will continue to engage our donors as key partners in this effort.

Competency in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
Fostering equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging will be a focus throughout all we do at St. Joseph’s. We will work to recognize our unconscious biases and increase our competency in EDIB, while listening to our workforce and the experiences of those we serve to identify barriers and create solutions. In partnership with community partners we will break down systemic challenges for equity deserving individuals and continue to build on our mission of advocating for those who are vulnerable and without a voice. While we remain rooted in the philosophies of our founders, we will continue to welcome and embrace all who come to us for care and service.